LED Tube vs LED Panel and why you need them both
With a professional lighting industry in continuous development, the decision to purchase the right equipment for the job can become overwhelming. When choosing the range of products from the LED line, we took into consideration some basics when it comes to lighting a scene properly. Therefore, our offer includes products that are specific for particular lighting styles and further on we shall exemplify this using two of the most common LED sources: tubes and panels.
The first LED panel models (the classic 1”x1” for those who are familiar with Cinelight products from our early beginning) which used a very efficient technology but at significantly higher costs than other lighting sources, become more and more attractive even for beginners of the photo/video industry. Why? Because of the slim design, power efficient LEDs and battery operation, independent from a power source. The LED panel quickly gained popularity among all the photographers and cinematographers and the technology advanced as it introduced more functions, controls and versatility than ever, making these products present everywhere.
Our LED panel line includes both Bi-Color and RGB models, slimmer and lighter versions but also robust, heavy-duty ones that can withstand the intensive, daily use on busy sets. It’s a matter of choice between portability and output, as the compact LED panels are more versatile in terms of use and can be easily carried around, while larger, less mobile ones are a good choice because they deliver more flattering, brighter illumination. It’s also about the operating time, while small productions require lighting equipment occasionally, larger studios are using lights on a daily basis, so heavy-duty LED panels are the best choice to work with for a longer period of time.
So, if these lights can be used successfully for any type of job, what is with these new shapes and forms of LED fixtures and what more is expected from them?
It all comes to the creativity of the user. Nowadays, the visuals are getting more and more dynamic and gain ground over the classic and correct lighting, it’s not about the general image anymore but of the details in it that set the mood of a scene.
The light tube is a present tool in the industry from the very beginning when the fluorescent lights were used on large sets to fill the scene. Then it became a more and more of an artistic tool, as many can remember the music videos using these tubes scattered all around, adding more dynamics into the final result.
The Cinelight LED tubes are fun and creative instruments to work with in ways that no other LED sources can work. They bring color and accents into a scene, they don’t need heavy gripping equipment and can simply be handheld or taped when shooting. The low-profile design makes it perfect for travel and also for any type of field application.
Although the LED tube is a basic tool and may not need any set-up, we have developed an entire line of accessories to mount it in order to give you a wide range of options on how to use it. Therefore, you can mount several units into a holder or even in a Kino style housing and get a larger lighting area, or use a single mounting magnetic clip to easily stick it on flat metallic surfaces. Simple like that.
As seen in many today’s productions like music videos, commercials and even YouTube videos, the LED tubes can be easily integrated and be visible in a shooting frame as part of the décor, as a nice, artistic highlight.
When purchasing these lights, both LED panels and LED tubes, don’t be afraid to jump into a kit, as many projects require multiple lighting sources to get that cinematic look. The basic 3-point lighting theory is the best to follow in order to avoid that dull, flat look. Instead, point multiple lights at the right angles and positions towards the subject and get some eye-catching images. Just set your budget and browse for a lighting kit that suits your needs, style and working environment.
To summit it up, the panels equal to studio-grade lighting while the tubes translate into dynamic works of art. Get the LED panels to use them as general fill lights along with their shaping and diffusing accessories like barndoors, grids and softboxes, then add some LED tubes to your gear so you can create subtle or dramatic effects, whatever the scene requires.